Delivery Information

Shipping & Delivery
Special volume pricing is applicable for all USA orders in which product and shipping costs are bundled together.
Privacy & Security
The customer data is store securely and will not be disclosed to any third-party by us. Payment information is not stored with We use PayPal -express  trusted payment gateways to handle payment transactions.
You can call us on +91 99 60 22 1815 before placing the order in case you have any questions.
Payment, Pricing & Promotions
We use  PayPal - express checkout trusted payment gateways to handle payment transactions. Pricing is clearly posted on the site per 1 lbs. Pricing may differ from current exchange rate. 
Viewing Orders
You can maintain an account with us which will easily allow you to view your order history. Use Register as Customer option at checkout instead of Checkout as Guest option.
Updating Account Information
Log into your account to update your contact and address details for enabling smooth communication.